Monday, September 19, 2011

Rockin the Onesie in Bruckner Overture in G Minor Box 16 to 21

Happy PJ day!
  Tonight I had to do Overture in G minor by Bruckner from box 16 to 21.  This piece has been giving me tons of trouble since summer!
I have been working on it and I just can't seem to get it right.  Everything sounds scratchy, rushed and broken.  And my microphone doesn't help me at all either!  For some reason when ever I play a longer note the computer just makes it sound really odd, its not me I swear!  I'm not that bad!
Enjoy Olympics week!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Final: Reflection

As a group I am proud of how far we have gotten.  In the beginning of the year we weren’t together and most of us had never even heard of cueing.  But now, we cue and are mostly together.  Also, overall the orchestra sounds tons better.

This year I have made a lot of progress.   My bow hand was horrible but is now not as horrible, but I still need a lot of work.  Also, my vibrato has improved a lot, my practicing habits, shifting, and music reading.

As a section we have become more together.  In the beginning of the year we weren’t always hitting the notes at the same time.  However, now we are more unified but it could still use more work.  Also, we could do more sectionals so we can just listen to the cello section and try to sound like one instrument.

 I still need to improve on my bow hold because it still doesn’t look quite right.  Also, I could be better at vibrato, shifting past E on the A string, thumb position, scales, music reading and especially counting.

I will do these things by practicing more this summer and seeing if you would give me some of those free lessons over the summer.  Also, after summer is over I would like to get a private tutor so I can continue to progress on the cello.

Every person in the orchestra needs to improve on knowing how they fit into the music.  Sometimes, a section will try to out play another when they should hold back.  But, I saw this happen not as many times this semester as last semester.  Also, we haven’t been looking up at the director as much and getting out of the music.

We can do it by knowing where we fit into the music and looking up from are music more often and keeping are noses out of the music sheets.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

2012 Audition

F-Major Scale

D-Melodic Minor


Berlioz Roman Carnival Op. 9
Boxes 3-5

Boxes 7-10

Monday, February 21, 2011

From measure 70 to 89 but only do four measures? February 21st (day before my birthday!!!)

Alright.  So it was only my first try recording and I felt pretty good about this one!  So I will not make 500 posts today, just this one.
Today I played from measure 77 to the end of 84 for you.  I had a hard time practicing measure 77 because I thought it sounded really scratchy but then I heard it on the recornding and it really doesn't!  That's good I think... Oh well,  here you go!  Enjoy break!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Sprint By Alan Lee Silva: TAKE NINE THE FINAL TAKE

Take Nine

Now it comes to the end it is now 12:05 and I am kind of tired, the rest of my family is probably rejoicing as I finish this and I will see you later today.  I hope I did a quality performance!
-Ava S.

The Sprint by Alan Lee Silva

Allright, so its now 11:55 and my family is all asleep.  I reallt don't want to A. wake them up or B.  Keep them up even later so I might just have to call it quits which is a bummer.  I will try to play one more time and hope that no one will come yell at me.

The Sprint by Alan Lee Silva: 50 TAKES IN ONE!!!

Take 2 of Take 4

Take 3 of Take 4

Take 5

Take 6 and 7

Ok so I posted a ton of videos.   Its just I was hoping that I would get one of them right but I just kept on getting worse :-/  So, doing it fast just made my intonation bad and an overall less appealing performance.  I will try again :(.

The Sprint by Alan Lee Silva: TAKE THREE

Ok Ok Ok
All of the sudden I had forgotten all of the things I had just been practicing!  Like dynamics and articulation.  That was bad.  Let me do that again.

The Sprint by Alan Lee Silva: TAKE TWO

Hello! Me again!
So this time I sounded better than the first take.  I didn't mess up at measure 19 this time!!!  That may have been take two but it was really take four of take two because I kept on messing up at measure 19 over and over again and I just couldn’t stand it!  However, I got it right this time!
Before I played take two I read over my rubric from my last test to see how I would be graded and what I had troubles with last time.  It says that I had pretty bad articulations and I need to relax my thumb in my right hand.  For the articulations, it will be hard to make me look like I have improved there because there are many slurs also my camera is really funky and the sound does not match with what you see at all.  Sorry.  But I will try my best.  However, for the thumb thing I am not sure I am still doing that now, maybe I am, maybe I’m not.  The world may never know!  Just kidding.  When I hold the bow my thumb doesn’t feel non-relaxed but it might look that way, I am not quite sure.  I will just have to keep my thumb relaxed like it says on my test and hope for the best.

The Sprint by Alan Lee Silva: TAKE ONE!

There is so much you can see from a video that you wouldn't be able to see normally.  Like oh my gosh does my hand really look that awkward and does my voice really sound like that?  Well apparently I have an extremely awkward looking hand and I hope its not my bow hold and just my hand!  Well it will be a lot easier to fix my bow hold than my hand... enough rambling.  Hello, Mr. Wolf.  This lovely Sunday night I am going to take a few (or many) takes of myself with my cello , Cello-ocity the third (sounds like Travelocity, I thought it was funny in 4th grade...), playing The Sprint by Alan Lee Silva from measure 17 to 33, until I get it to sound as close to a quality performance as I can.
Also, just so you know I do realize that the sound does not match up with my bowing, no I did not get this off of the Internet because if I did it would sound a lot better.