As a group I am proud of how far we have gotten. In the beginning of the year we weren’t together and most of us had never even heard of cueing. But now, we cue and are mostly together. Also, overall the orchestra sounds tons better.
This year I have made a lot of progress. My bow hand was horrible but is now not as horrible, but I still need a lot of work. Also, my vibrato has improved a lot, my practicing habits, shifting, and music reading.
As a section we have become more together. In the beginning of the year we weren’t always hitting the notes at the same time. However, now we are more unified but it could still use more work. Also, we could do more sectionals so we can just listen to the cello section and try to sound like one instrument.
I still need to improve on my bow hold because it still doesn’t look quite right. Also, I could be better at vibrato, shifting past E on the A string, thumb position, scales, music reading and especially counting.
I will do these things by practicing more this summer and seeing if you would give me some of those free lessons over the summer. Also, after summer is over I would like to get a private tutor so I can continue to progress on the cello.
Every person in the orchestra needs to improve on knowing how they fit into the music. Sometimes, a section will try to out play another when they should hold back. But, I saw this happen not as many times this semester as last semester. Also, we haven’t been looking up at the director as much and getting out of the music.
We can do it by knowing where we fit into the music and looking up from are music more often and keeping are noses out of the music sheets.
Great job!!!